The compost turner of crawler type is a large capacity composting machine, which can be used for large-scale fertilizer production lines. This machine has three specifications, their capacity is 1000-1200m³, 1100-1300m³and 1500 m³respectively. You can choose a proper composting machine by amount of your fertilizer materials.
The XGFD-3000 type Cow manure Compost Turner Machine, with low price and powerful performance, is the most suitable for medium and Big-sized organic fertilizer plants. The machine can mix 1200-1500 cubic meters per hour (equivalent to the tireless workload of 300 people at the same time).
Temperature. When microbes work properly, the compost temperature will be between 120 and 160 F. Composting horse manure at proper temperatures can kill fly eggs and larvae, pathogens, parasites and weed seeds. Moisture. The best moisture content for horse manure composting system is about 60%.
Wheel Compost Turner for Sale. Paddle wheel compost turner machine working specifications. The width of the turning part is 6.0m, and the distance of each throwing is 1.2~2, 0m; The width of the fermentation tank is 6,0 m, and the height of the layer is 0.9 to 2 m; Supporting power 26,5~41.5kW;
To allow the air to dry the dairy waste faster, the compost turning equipment utilizes a high-volume blower during the mix cycle. The blower helps to to accelerate composting manure and other waste solids. Once the RotoKing compost turner completes the process, you now have well-mixed, completely dried compost. This makes the material perfect for: See full list on Our RotoKing compost turner for sale has even been utilized for biosolids management. See our project page highlighting the Biosolids Treatment Facilityin Ladysmith, BC. This is a good example of how a compost turning machine can be utilized to also compost human biosolids! Call us toll free at 1-888-854-4568is you have any questions about composti... See full list on Mid Valley Manufacturingis located in Abbotsford, BC Canada. We are one of North America’s leading dairy farm cattle handling equipment suppliers with clients throughout Canada, the USA, and internationally. See full list on
The most easier-operational Compost Turner Machine to convert pig manure to be bio-organic fertilizer, Saving time and labours Features of pig manure Compost turning machine: The pig manure turning machine can effectively mix livestock and poultry manure, sludge with microbial preparations, and straw powder evenly to create a higher aerobic environment for material fermentation. It can achieve
Guide rail type poultry waste compost fertilizer machine for sale. This groove type compost turning machine is the most popular compost making machine. This machine costs less than chain type turner machines for composting. And its turning depth can reach 2 meters, which is deeper than crawler type windrow turner.
Chain Plate Type Compost Turner. $21,700-$24,700. If you are looking for a fertilizer compost machine, the price is an important factor to consider. Shunzhi fertilizer composting turners are priced differently depending on the type and size of the machine.
Fertilizer Compost Machine. Full Compost Without Blind Spot and Shortening 31% of the Fermentation Period. Shunzhi fertilizer compost turner allows the organic waste to absorb a lot of fresh air, and the temperature can be adjusted to match specific needs, shortening 31% of fermentation time.
However, turner implements work better for larger operations. Turners range in various sizes from 6 feet wide to as much as 20 feet wide. A 10-foot-wide turner may turn 1,500 yards per hour, while a 14-foot turner may turn as much as 2,600 yards per hour. Implements that run a turner must have a creeper gear and go as slowly as 20 feet per minute.
Our Customers Say. “You cannot image that how much money you will save if you buy the YuXing Compost Turner made in china instead of German or USA, also you cannot image that how much money you will earn by the easily-operation YuXing Windrow Compost Machine.”. HARRY SMITH • USER IN CHILE YUXING XGFD-3000 COMPOST TURNER.
Our self propelled composting turner machine mainly uses windrow composting for making composts. It is necessary for you to rank the organic manure materials into windrows. And then you can drive our self propelled turning machine for turning your manure materials regularly. 20 days later, you will get well composted organic manure fertilizers.
May 10, 2022 · The suitable C/N in the process of cattle manure composting is 20-30:1 (30:1 is ideal). Ventilation: The major function of ventilation is to provide the necessary oxygen for aerobic microorganism growth and breeding, remove the redundant water content in the stockpile, adjust the temperature and reduce foul smell via controlling air demand.
Made in the USA. We make the best windrow compost turners in the world. Self-Propelled Compost Windrow Turners, Tow-Behind Compost Windrow Turners, Windrow Watering Systems. With several process patents, Frontier windrow turners have changed the entire bioremediation industry. Our composting equipment is rugged, easy to maintain, and delivers
The Aeromaster PT-130 pull-type compost windrow turner is the ideal turner for sites producing up to 10,000 tons of finished compost per season (actual site capacity will vary with the length of the productive season). Its innovative design allows a single operator to aerate, blend, and add water & inoculants in a single turning pass.